Ayurveda, established in Hindu philosophy offers a holistic approach to one's well-being by balancing body, mind, and soul. It draws from ancient texts, like the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita, and underlines doshas, the way of life, and...
Do you know any exercise technique through which your skull start shinning and face start glowing? The answer is Kapalbhati.
Thanks to Ayurveda, there are many practices that help you stay healthy during winters.
Have you heard of ‘the breath of fire’? Bhastrika is a breathing technique known to generate heat in the body. The word ‘BHASTRIKA’ comes from Sanskrit which means ‘breathing like bellow.’
In this modern age, staying healthy in a natural way is the priority for everyone. We all want a confident smile, white teeth, strong gums, sweet voice, healthy glowing complexion, wrinkle-free face
Neck and shoulder pain are common nowadays due to bad posture habits, working on computers continuously, using mobile phones for long hours, inadequate sleep, and lack of exercises for strengthening
SNEHANA is a Sanskrit word used for OLEATION. Sneha means “love” so the meaning of snehana is “loving your own body” which means self-massage.